Immune System

Immune System:

 This article discusses an important aspect of health that many people may not be aware of. This is a daily fast. Fasting is going without food for a certain period of time.

It's not complicated, but if you're serious and that means long-term fasting, have diabetes, are pregnant, or have an autoimmune problem, it's best to seek advice and understand how to do it .

In fact, we fast every day without realizing it, because we fast at night when we sleep.

Fasting is said to help strengthen your immune system, lower blood sugar, and help control weight, among other things. You're actually doing your gut a favor when you fast because you're working through the waste in your system before you eat again.

you are giving your digestive system a break to allow the body to return to its natural healing and healing state.

But what we often do is worry. So we can have a hearty breakfast when we get up in the morning because that's what we do. We can have lunch at 11:00. Then lunch will be around 12:00-1:00. We can have lunch around 4pm and then around 6:00-7:00pm. We can even have a little snack before bed.

What this means is that we eat all the time, which means that our digestive system rarely rests. As a result, our body continues to use energy to digest our food instead of burning fat as it should when we don't eat.

Also, we don't know when we're hungry when we eat, and over time, eating between meals becomes a habit. Sometimes we eat even if we are not hungry, but we are actually thirsty and dehydrated.

If we adopt these seven simple strategies, we will not only give our body the opportunity to rest the digestive system, but we will also strengthen our immune system:

1. Eat a late breakfast instead of an early breakfast

2. If you have to eat breakfast, eat as much fruit as possible, because your body is in clean mode.

3. Eat when you are hungry

4. Drink water between meals instead of eating

5. Do not eat after 8pm

6. Eat your last meal 4 hours before bed

7. Fasting for 12-16 hours every day between your last meal and breakfast

Thinking about how you eat, what you eat, and when you eat it is the beginning of taking control of your gut health. Do not forget what you eat when our body is still cleaning you need to eat your stomach in the morning so as not to eat new food.

Finally, you can train yourself to fast for some time every day until your body gets used to it. Start by fasting for 12 hours a night and increase. Intermittent fasting is not only good for your gut, it's one of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your body functioning and improve your health.

Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulants help people deal with emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs, improve health , and live their best lives. We do this through Life and Health Coaching, Emotional Freedom Counseling and personal, professional and spiritual development training.

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