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Your fitness goals smarter ways:

 New Year's resolutions almost always involve losing weight, but there's a simple way to make your fitness goals work  start two months before Christmas.

The best solution is to start two cheat days a few months before the holiday season  and during the holidays.

The best part of this strategy? You'll start the new year with your fitness goals already achieved, and this locked-in success will give you the confidence to focus on your other goals and achieve them.

In the rest of this article, we look at some simple steps you can take to lose weight , and in two months. This is a better approach than forcing you to spend a lot of money in a short period of time.

 And the holiday season is a reward that will come in handy.

Let's take a quick look  what are you doing less of?

Before we begin, it is important to understand that although there are some basic principles that apply to boards, everyone is different in how they do certain things.

You need to assess where you stand on these criteria.

Sleep and recovery:

Do you get enough quality sleep? If the day is less than six consecutive hours, you should push for at least seven hours. Losing sleep will destroy all your efforts caloric restriction, exercise. It's good to invest in a sleep watch like the Fitbit Charge 5 that helps you track your sleep more .

The same applies to reducing stress  if your job is stressful, take five minutes of stress during the day and forget about it.

If you have been exercising hard, check out how to control your post-exercise cold breathing to optimize recovery you get hot and cold after a workout, right?.

Eating habits:

The most important factor after recovery sleep, stress, exercise is how much to eat and what you eat.

Whether you want to follow paleo, OMAD one meal a day, intermittent  keto, low carb, flexible macros, or something else, you need the master two t


For the next two months, follow the protocol with 90% accuracy. For example, if you are intermittent fasting, I recommend spending the first week on the 16:8 protocol before switching to 18:6 in the second week.

Starting in the third week, I invite you to fast for 24 hours once a week to strengthen your discipline and influence your state of reward and exchange.

In short, start simple, build discipline, and repeat over complexity.

Choice of food:

When it comes to contentment, the secret of boredom is to replace choice with contentment. The surest way to lose weight is to remove the decision making process from what you eat. Choose a few healthy foods from what you want to eat every meal and increase each week. You don't have to decide between options you don't like  choose foods you can eat three four times a week.

A few repeat meals could be the difference between reaching your goal or analysis and losing the heat this year.

Calorie deficit:

A key principle in all this will be maintaining a caloric deficit.

For a gradual two-month program, I usually recommend starting with a small deficit, 250 calories, so it's easier for your body to stick to it. Bigger challenges are possible and we will, but starting small will help you develop discipline.

You can increase the deficit to 500 calories a day after the first few weeks depending on whether you see results or not, but the key is to maintain consistency for two months.

Calorie restriction is easier than you think. For example:

· If you have two cappuccinos a day, switch to black coffee for a 200+ calorie deficit.

 If you enjoy two 16  cans of soda, switching to sugar-free soda will result in a 300-calorie deficit.

Normal food? Skipping meals will often leave you in a 200-400 calorie deficit, depending on how severe your diet is.

Cutting meals by 25% can create a 100-200 calorie deficit.

As you progress, you'll find that a 250-500 calorie deficit can be incorporated into your eating habits without overwhelming yourself.

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