Showing posts with label waismann method detox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label waismann method detox. Show all posts

The Challenges of opioid Detox

The Challenges of opioid Detox:

 Opioid detox is not something you want to try on your own. Often when prescriptions for painkillers run out, people addicted to opioids can't get what their bodies need. Withdrawal symptoms can be many. When the body cries out for more, it prompts the mind to seek more at any price.

Generally, most family members and friends do not understand the severity of these withdrawal symptoms because they are so baseless, so they do not know what the person is going through.

At this point, the user tries to heal him. But finding a place to recover from withdrawal symptoms can be difficult, especially now that government regulators are cracking down on opioid abuse. Without a source of opioids, addicts may turn to illegal substitutes. This is one of the reasons why heroin use is on the rise again in the United States.

 Example: 1

Another alternative is Fentanyl, which can be bought online

 Example: 2

 Fentanyl is the active ingredient in some of the strongest prescription pain medications. The problem is that the person does not know what they are taking or in what concentration. Taking more than one person can lead to more dependence and overdose death.

The above scenario is very common. What begins as a painkiller prescription for a real medical or health problem often turns into a vivid nightmare that destroys his life. We all agree that this is horrible, unacceptable and should never happen. Of course, now blaming will not fix all addictions and opioid addiction

 Example: 3

What is the solution to opioid detoxification?

In the scenario above, we see that the prescription of a person admitted to taking pain medication is often not completed well. When opioid addicts enter a legal treatment facility, the situation becomes more complicated due to the mix, quantity, and concentration of prescription and illicit drugs, and the individual's health.

At this point, everything must be considered for a successful detoxification program, and each individual needs a customized treatment strategy 

Example: 4

 All one-size-fits-all programs do not work and will only lead to relapse, which means more pain, health problems, and increased personal financial stress. Can't take back a person's life.

Time is of the essence

The longer one waits to seek treatment, the more damage to the body and mind, and the more difficult it is to successfully treat addiction. Long-term brain and nerve damage can occur, and opioid addiction affects internal organs. Stop using illegal drugs, get out of the way or out of the way of life, even after successful treatment, it will not happen again. Relationship therapy starts better for those who are interested before. So time is of the essence. No one should be a 'throwaway' person

 Example: 5

 "The Doctor's Dilemma: Opioid Analgesics and Chronic Pain," Howard L. Field, published in Neuron.

"Accuracy in Humanity and Skill Training: Does It Matter?" Jaap van der Stel, Ph.D., published in the Journal of Molecular Biology and Medicine.