Showing posts with label stop zumba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stop zumba. Show all posts

Stop Dancing

 Stop Dancing:

As a 36 year old practicing chiropractor, a 66 year old man named Clark came to me recently with right hip pain. He was an avid dancer and struggled with his hip for several months. His pain was constant but mild. He was worried about this and asked me, "Am I going to have to stop dancing?" He related that as a bachelor it was one of his main social occasions and that he enjoyed the recreation and exercise.

This article looks at hip pain, its causes, and how conservative chiropractic care can help provide pain relief .

When I examined Clark, he had problems in two areas. The first was the actual hip joint. This joint is a ball-and-socket joint composed of the femur ball and the pelvis socket. This is the largest joint in the body and moves in all directions. He injured this joint through overuse and repetition. He said he had been practicing a certain type of dance that put excessive strain on his right hip. A sprained joint as well as a sprained ankle or joint.

He also had a problem with a joint in his pelvis called the sacroiliac joint. This is a joint that is located in the area where the back pockets of a pair of pants would be. The sacroiliac joints are gliding joints. In Clark, this area deviated and he carried more weight on his right lower leg than on the other side.
It is very safe and usually brings significant pain relief to the patient.