Showing posts with label red light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red light. Show all posts

Strong Papillary Light Reflex

Strong Papillary Light Reflex

  How much do you like to travel? As humans, almost all us want to travel, visit unseen places, explore unknown territories to be honest, there are few places that can be called uncharted territories in our time. Now the main thing is that all us or one of us, our love for travel, can enjoy traveling or seeing new places, experiencing new cultures etc. he had the power to see, didn't he??

The importance of the eyes

I mean, how can we see the extinct volcano of Fiji, or how can we enjoy the lush greenery of the Canadian forest, or how can we see the dream of the Taj Mahal in the moonlit night, or how can we tell? Can we see our parents' love for us if we don't have the power of God's eyes?

Medical conditions related to the eyes

In this situation we realize the importance of our eyes, because the eyes live in the 21st century with all the lights, that is, in the dark without lights or no lights. When the topic of darkness is brought up, how do sad or discouraged when the burden is lifted? In those moments, even if only for a short time, we understand what it means to be blind or blind. the eyes themselves also have various diseases or diseases that affect them?

Read more about such diseases or eye medical conditions that promote global health.


Autism can be defined as a disease or medical condition that causes social awkwardness and repetitive thinking, behavior or patterns.

Papillary response

Scientific research shows that infants or older children with autism have an increased sensitivity to light, that is, they show a strong papillary light reflex when exposed. Later studies showed that infants had a higher tendency to be diagnosed with autism, and that the population showed this strong papillary response more than the adult population.

What is the papillary response?

Papillary response can be defined as the response of the optic nerve when exposed to a specific optical environment or an environment that has a different level or luminance. Response can be extreme, normal, or below average.

The results

So, we can call autism a disease or medical deficiency that causes social awkwardness and repetitive thoughts and behaviors, and one of the most prominent eye-related symptoms is an exaggerated papillary response or hypersensitivity to light.