Showing posts with label old people with no family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old people with no family. Show all posts

No Old Age is not A Bitch


No Old Age is not A Bitch:

Many women in their 70s and beyond complain to me, "I'm getting old."

Usually my answer is, "Yes, getting old is a bit difficult, but it doesn't have to be." Have you ever heard the saying "what do you do with your life"? It's not a word, it's a fact.

Aging may seem a little harsh because of health, loneliness, financial problems, or you don't look like you used to, but the truth is: if you can complain, you can change. You may not be able to do much, but often you can do more than you think if you decide to try. trying is empowering.

Let's think about what is said to hurt the elderly and what we can do.

"I'm a victim":

 We may lack a non-composition genius, but if we're smart enough on the computer, we're smart enough to smell a fishy scam a mile away. Who would respond if an email from a dead uncle in Nigeria or elsewhere promised millions of dollars  we never got it to send $500 to unlock the government?

What to do:

 If you have $500 to throw away, buy two shares of McDonald's stock and watch it grow. Getting started is easy. Open an account with Schwab or another investment firm.

 The price will go up and down, but as the TV commercial for the chicken dryer advises, "Set it and forget it." No, your old age is not too late to buy.


Many single seniors looking for love visit dating sites in the hope of finding the perfect partner. Is it possible? Of course. Is it possible? Not. Dr. Phil has produced more than two shows that show how the lives of older adults looking for love can be rewarding. It's sad, but loneliness can lead to despair.

What to do: 

Volunteer to help people in emotional need. By giving ourselves, we can find the love we want. If we help others, we receive many unexpected gifts.

Live in Memories:

 Most seniors have nothing but memories to hold them back. They don't realize that they can volunteer or find work if they are mentally and able. It doesn't matter if the job provides emotional satisfaction.

I remember a TV show called Shark Tank, where a young woman sought women's help by swearing off a knitted bag. She recently visited a retirement community and found a treasure trove of elderly women who love to knit and have good paying jobs. This is a win for everyone, especially retirees who found a new purpose in life. Not only that, but their personalities come alive. They look and feel better because they are useful. They dedicate themselves to being given "comfort" to return to the flow of "real nature".

What to do:

 Find out what activities are distracting you. Retirement-oriented retirement is a government structure that leads to its inevitable decline. Don't underestimate the value of exercise for your mind and body. Use it or lose it.

Misery Loves Company: 

One of the things I don't like about retirement communities and government programs for the elderly is that there are so many opportunities to find "misery love company" companions. Although it can grow in different ways, it is not healthy.

What should be done instead:

 Manage the "supercenter" itself rebels thinking determined to overcome life's obstacles and help each other, and who embrace the benefits of aging and serve the "have-nots" members. "

Yes, in some ways, aging can be worse. But you don't have to. If you are mentally capable, there are many things you can do to make "aging" better and happier for yourself and others. Never think or believe that you cannot do what your heart and soul asks. Courage and courage. You can do it!