Showing posts with label lung damage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lung damage. Show all posts

Serious Health Disease Challenge men Today

Serious Health Disease Challenge men Today:

When it comes to health, men worry less than women. it's because women live longer. Although it is a health risk for both men, it causes men to die at a younger age than women. Men today face several serious health threats that, if ignored, will result in high rates of morbidity and mortality.

Heart Disease:

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in men 30 and older. Research shows that more than 30 percent of men in the world suffer from heart disease. People with a family history of heart disease are in the high risk category, along with people who make healthy lifestyle choices. There are several factors that contribute to heart disease, including smoking, drinking, eating high cholesterol, and potatoes.

Beat heart Disease:

To beat heart disease, you need to eat foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and exercise every day. Daily exercise alone can reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by up to 80 percent. It can be as simple as walking in the park for half an hour every day. You can also reduce your risk by avoiding foods high in cholesterol, such as salt and sugar.

The leading cause of death for men is lung cancer, which is comparable to breast cancer in women. It is also the deadliest form of cancer for men. Lung cancer has killed more people than any other cancer in the last 10 years. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and can be inhaled by people or cars.

The main treatments for lung cancer are chemotherapy and radiation, but the best thing to do is to stop smoking and stay away from polluted areas.

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer in men. Although the cause of this cancer is unknown, the symptoms of this disease can be detected early with the PSA or Prostate Specific Antigen test. The prostate gland produces this type of protein. If a blood test shows a high PSA level, it may state prostate cancer, cancer. Early detection is the key to proper treatment and cure of cancer.

Type II diabetes is another common disease that millions of men in the United States are diagnosed with. Some men don't even know they have the disease. It occurs when the body does not produce or respond to enough insulin. When this happens, it causes the accumulation of glucose in the blood instead of the cells that are needed. There are races that have a greater risk for this disease, such as African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos.

There are other factors that contribute to the development of type II diabetes, such as a person's age and family health history. A good way to prevent this disease is to control your weight by eating a healthy diet and getting some form of daily exercise. Although no diet is linked to diabetes, a healthy, low-sugar diet can play an important role in regulating insulin levels. Controlling blood sugar levels can prevent serious complications from this disease.

Men over the age of 40 who do not lead a healthy lifestyle, such as smoking, drinking, eating too much and exercising , are at risk of developing one of the above diseases. The best way to avoid this disease is to lead a healthy lifestyle, including daily exercise, and see your doctor for a regular physical every year to stay fit and healthy.

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I am a 54 year old retired laborer from Northern Maine. I am married with 3 beautiful children. My main interests are my family and God. I have a healthy website that provides great tips and information designed to help you live a healthy and long life