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Sugar Symptoms

sugar symptoms

Sugar Symptoms

The symptoms of diabetes vary from individual to individual, with some individuals experiencing little to no symptoms at all. But, there are some signs and symptoms of excess sugar that are common to most individuals. Knowing and understanding these symptoms can help people with high blood sugar manage and other complications.

One of the most common symptoms of high blood sugar is extreme thirst. This is often associated with frequent urination as the body has to excrete excess sugar through urine. Also, many people experience extreme fatigue and lack of energy, as well as sudden weight loss, even when eating .One symptom that is often overlooked is slow healing wounds. Because sugar can damage skin tissue and slow down the healing process, people with elevated sugar levels may find that cuts and scrapes take longer to heal than normal. Also, the skin or area around the wound may itch or become inflamed.High sugar levels can also cause blindness and other vision disorders, as well as nerve damage. People with elevated sugar levels tend to be more prone to developing vision problems and numbness and tingling in the hands, feet and other parts of the body.

high sugar
High sugar:

High sugar levels can also cause psychological problems, including mood swings and anxiety. These symptoms can often be exacerbated if the individual is already prone to mental health problems, so it is important for those who are already managing mental health problems to keep their sugar levels under control.

Eating too much sugar can also lead to digestive problems such as cramping, constipation, and diarrhea, depending on the individual. This can be particularly distressing as the individual must be extra careful not to overeat to avoid these symptoms.In conclusion, sugar symptoms vary from person to person, but there are a few common symptoms that most people with high blood sugar experience. These can include extreme thirst, fatigue, slow-healing wounds, blindness and vision problems, nerve damage, mental health problems, and digestive problems. Knowing and understanding these sugar symptoms is an important part of managing and preventing further complications.