Showing posts with label dollar homepage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dollar homepage. Show all posts

The Million Dollar Condom Project

The Million Dollar Condom Project:

Thanks to innovations in the scientific community, people can now enjoy sex but they want. Now people don't have to worry about getting pregnant or contracting HIV and other transmitted diseases. Some birth control methods that promote safe sex are the pill and condoms.

Condoms are the cheapest and easiest form of birth control on the market. There is no age need to be able to sale one. People can now also choose to buy condoms online. But even with this advantage, some people will not buy condoms because they have unprotected sex. With that, the Bill Gates Foundation launched a competition to redesign and develop the best condom on the market.

Here are some of the ideas that made it to the first round. A $100,000 grant was awarded for research and development. The best ideas will receive $1 million in funding.


Apart from the feeling you get from using a condom, this project also prioritizes ease of use. Developed by a South American company, proponents want a condom that can be put on only one penis once it comes out of the cover.

Graphene data

There are a lot of comments about condoms on the internet, and most of them are about how men don't want to use them because it makes them feel less. Lakshminarayanan Ragupatin from an Indian company wanted to solve this problem by creating a thinner and warmer condom. This can be done by adding graphene, a new super-strong and conductive material, to the product. This will make it feel more natural due to thinner walls that increase the amount of body heat transfer.


The Cambridge Design Partnership from England has done its best to create a dynamic, universal and affordable condom. The amazing thing about the product is that when you use a condom during sex, the polymer inside will harden around the penis. It is meant to be enjoyable for both partners.


Among those solving this problem is a great idea for the California Family Health Council. Their concept is to make condoms as thin as possible without losing their durability. They tried polyethylene that did not shrink and stick to the surface. So the sensitivity is heightened.

Which of these ideas do you think would cut it? What will make people buy condoms not for marketing purposes, but to promote safe sex? While the search is still on to find the next generation of condoms, don't be complacent and always keep a pack in your wallet. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure.