Showing posts with label copd about. Show all posts
Showing posts with label copd about. Show all posts

COPD What Can I Do About That?

COPD What Can I Do About That?

"It's not like that!" The lung doctor cheered as he read the results of the breath test. The patient underwent a second spirometry test approximately three months after the first test. A spirometry test will show how much you can breathe in and out, how fast you can breathe out, and what isn't working in your respiratory system.

What the pulmonologist didn't know was that my patient had received an upper cervical chiropractic change two weeks earlier. Then, we take the head and neck to line up. So what does it have to do with breath?

Here are some questions to help answer that question.

1. If I can't breathe well, why are my ribs and muscles stiff?

Yes, compression of the rib muscles and restriction of rib movement sometimes with severe back pain can cause mechanical stress on the respiratory structure. In fact, research shows that chiropractic manipulation of the upper back thoracic spine helps improve breathing scores. Soft tissue work, such as massage or myofascial physical therapy, can also help reduce muscle tension in the ribs.

2. What should be done if breathing problems are caused by a narrow airway?

Upper cervical chiropractic procedures are performed. We know from basic science that the brain stem above the neck controls the "sympathetic nerves". If there is too much activity in the nervous system, lung tissue constricts, blood vessels constrict, and body tissue loses health and ability. When we correct the error in the upper neck, the normal healing flow is restored to the body, especially the lung tissue.

3. How can I find the treatment that will help me the most?

Because it is true that the ribs and muscles make breathing difficult and upper cervical chiropractic restores proper function, rib balance and muscle tone, it is clear that upper cervical chiropractic can be the best and most effective first step in restoring breathing ability. . There may be more benefits to the other procedures I mentioned earlier, and I encourage patients to use all these extra aids.

4. So what is the full story with your patient?

She came to me for her back pain and got relief there, but her health has improved in all areas! He was diagnosed with severe COPD, but after the second test the diagnosis was changed to mild COPD. Isn't it interesting to know that one area of ​​the spine, the upper cervical spine, can have a global effect on health?