Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Birth Control in Light of Islam And Science

Birth Control in Light of Islam And Science

Birth control, also known as contraception and birth control, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. Over the past 50-60 years, the debate about birth control or population control has grown to become a point of discussion on television, radio, the Internet, and various other platforms.

Ahmet and Abu Dawud, a man came to Rasulullah saw.

"I have found a classy and beautiful woman, but she has no children. Can I marry her?" He said, "No." Again he came to her, but he forbade her. He came to her the third time and said greeting to him: "Marry a beautiful and prolific woman, because I will outnumber you people."

This hadith says to stay away from indirect birth control and similar practices

Effects of birth control methods on maternal health:

It has been established that the use of birth control methods has a serious impact on the mother's health. The female reproductive system is controlled by a group of reproductive hormones secreted by the pituitary gland and the frontal lobe of the ovary. , this hormone is produced in measured levels. Any increase or decrease in it can cause disease. So, medical scientists admit that all contraceptives have adverse effects on users. This is the result of many studies in this field.

Some serious side effects of using birth control pills include:

1. Imbalance of body hormones

2. Weight and fluid retention.

3. Acute inflammation of the female reproductive system.

4. increased vulnerability to fatal heart disease for people over thirty is greater than for people over forty.

Death of a woman taking birth control pills:

A news agency once reported a case of a British woman who died from using birth control pills. He had been using a tablet known as Waldan for eight years before switching to another known as Mitoclore on medical advice. A few weeks later, he was sick and bedridden. Then his health deteriorated and he died.

Recently, it has been determined that the use of contraception, especially the pill, can cause some cancers.

The most balanced advice:

The Prophet (pbuh) wanted to forbid breastfeeding a child if the mother was pregnant, unless he knew that the Romans were doing it. This is because such breast milk can harm the lactating mother and inhibit the growth of the baby.

If about the Prophet's instructions:

 we will understand that the gap between one pregnancy and another should be three years, especially if we go back to what God said:

"Mothers should breastfeed their children for two years, that is for those (parents) who want to complete breastfeeding." (Al-Baqarah 2:233)

Then we will see that allowing the mother to recover after giving birth is a mandated matter, as opposed to preventing pregnancy completely through birth control methods.

The situation in Muslim and Arab countries

It is ironic that most Muslim countries are destroyed by birth control campaigns to face economic and social problems. A large amount of money is allocated to this campaign which can be used for more beneficial economic and social projects. It is important to note that the real problem here is not the scarcity of resources, but the unequal distribution of resources among the population. Now the wealth and wealth circulates and is concentrated among the rich so that the majority of the population cannot get their rights.

A report from an Arab country confirms that annual birth control campaign spending vehicles purchased, doctors and nurses purchased, drugs and other supplies purchased, procedures performed, and hospitals used is enough to provide more care. more than a million children in the country at a time when the birth rate was not more than half a million.

Besides, there are some Muslim countries with projects and job opportunities that lack enough manpower, forcing these countries to import workers from Asian and European countries to help them put in place their projects.

But, there are other Muslim countries that have large populations but do not have enough resources to develop projects that benefit their growing populations. Why these countries do not enjoy from the previous countries so that they can develop the brotherhood of humanity? In fact, instead of complaining about the lack of adequate potential, human resources are the foundation of growth and development if they are used .