Blood Pressure

low bp

Blood Pressure

Pressure is an integral part of our lives. We face different kinds of pressures when making decisions in our lives about career, family, relationships, etc. Pressure can be thought of as a state of tension between two opposing but linked thoughts and feelings

Selef Pressure:

First of all, it's the pressures we put on ourselves. These pressures are to some extent necessary for us to be successful in our endeavors. Self,pressure helps us stay focused and makes us strive for success in our lives. It can also help us use our resources time, money etc to the best of our ability. But, if we overburden ourselves with too much pressure, it can lead to burnout, depression and anxiety. The key is to consider the pressures we face and strive for a balanced engagement.Also, there are pressures from external sources. Social, family, political cultural and work pressures are too many to mention. These pressures can be beneficial by helping us gain an advantage in a competitive world.A certain amount of external pressure keeps us in check and prevents us from becoming complacent. but other hand, external pressures are known to have a negative effect on an individual's productivity. Feeling overwhelmed by external pressures leads to feelings of social isolation and stress. It's important to know your limits and take breaks to re energize when those pressures get too much.In conclusion, it is safe to say that although pressure plays a very important role in our lives, it is important to know your limits. Internal and external pressures can help us strive for greatness, but they can become a burden if we let them dominate our lives. By managing our external and internal pressures well, taking breaks and maintaining balance, we can use its positive aspects and move forward in life.

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