How to control Diabetes?

How to control Diabetes?

Diabetes A lifelong degenerative metabolic disorder, people with type 2 diabetes must produce insulin hormones, but insulin hormones cannot regulate glucose metabolism .
Thus, excess glucose in the blood can cause damage to body tissues and vital organs, with excess glucose acting like a slow poison.

Symptoms related to diabetes:

Being very thirsty.
Blurred vision
Numbness or numbness in your hands or feet
High blood sugar
Excess fat around the waist
High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
Heal the wound 
Fungal and yeast infections are more likely to occur in the form of skin infections
Frequent urination
Increased hunger
Being humiliated
1- Heart disease
 2- heart attack
3- diabetic retinopathy  causes blindness
4-Kidney failure
5-Amputation bleeding of a limb causes insomnia.
Bad habits and lifestyle that promote diabetes:
1- Little or no exercise
2- Smoking
3- Stress
4- Depression
5- Sleeping too little or too much

How to watch and prevent:

Some tips and tricks
1- Avoid being overweight because excess body weight causes insulin resistance.
2- Daily exercise such as jogging, this type of activity can burn excess glucose from the body.
3- Eat a proper and structured diet plan including high protein, low carb and low fat with plenty of vegetarian options.

The best diet for Diabetes Health tips:
It is important to know about the best diet  healthy food for diabetes, Since diabetes is a lifelong disease, only one thing can save life: Symptoms of type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels, awareness of diseases with diabetes symptoms, diabetes How to treat diabetes with the best help for diabetes  food for diabetes.

The best food for diabetes:

What food do we eat?
Eating a diet with whole grains, fresh and green vegetables, fruits and proteins is important for health. It is also useful if you suffer from diabetes.
As a diabetic, it is even more important to watch what you eat and take steps to control your blood sugar levels.
To help manage your diabetes, here's a good list of foods that have been shown by good research to control blood sugar levels and keep you healthy and fit. These foods are rich in powerful antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and fiber and are available everywhere.

The best food for diabetes:

Garlic has many health benefits and is recommended for diabetes, regular consumption of raw garlic can help in the release of insulin, which is involved in the regulation of blood sugar levels.
Sulfur compounds found in garlic, such as allin, play an important role in increasing insulin levels. Garlic has the potential to reduce the effects of diabetes complications.
Research has also shown that it lowers bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein), fights infection, and improves blood circulation and blood pressure.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek has been used since ancient times to treat diabetes and is an excellent source of soluble fiber. In traditional medicine, fenugreek is thought to improve digestion and lower blood sugar levels in diabetes and absorb carbohydrates to lower blood sugar levels.
Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Seeds can show significant improvement in metabolic symptoms of diabetes.
Improve glucose tolerance and lower blood glucose levels. Adding fenugreek seeds to your daily diet can reduce fat and cholesterol absorption, which protects against heart disease and obesity.


Almonds are the best food for diabetics because they contain a large number of essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, a complete range of minerals, vitamin E, and magnesium, which diabetes is likely to lack. Besides, almonds are rich in fiber, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and unsaturated fats.
Research shows that eating almonds lowers the glycemic index and prevents blood sugar spikes.

Bitter melon

Bitter melon is a popular vegetable cultivated in some parts of Asia, East Africa and South America. Bitter melon has been used for centuries in traditional medicine in India and China.
It contains many nutrients including vitamins, vitamin C, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, and is packed with a lot of fiber. Vegetables are also low in calories and have a good effect on weight loss. It also consists of several chemicals.

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